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When you make a claim using Online Services, you can track your home or auto claim every step of the way. You can also call us to file any claim, any time, and get one-on-one support from our dedicated claims team.

Sign in to Online Services
Chipped or cracked windshield or car window?

No need to contact us to file a claim. Simply:

  1. Choose a recommended auto glass repair shop below.
  2. Book an appointment.
  3. Show your insurance certificate when you arrive.

The shop will contact us and, if you have coverage, we will pay. You only pay your deductible if the windshield or car window is replaced. When it’s just a chip or crack repair, you don’t have to pay your deductible. Chips and cracks can get worse over time, so it is always best to have them dealt with in a timely way.

Choose an auto glass repair shop

When it comes to claims, we're here to take care of your needs. You can start a claim online or call us any time.

Convenient ways to start your claim

How you submit your claim will depend on the type of policy.

Home and auto claims

Farm and business claims

Once a claim representative is assigned, you can call or email them directly. Before emailing files with personal information, contact us so we can help make sure your message is secure and protected.

All other claims

Looking for a claim form?

Choose the PDF form you need to download and print. Once you complete the form, you can send it to your insurance adjuster. Or consider submitting your home or auto claim through Online Services to help us process your claim faster.

Has your vehicle been damaged in an auto collision?

Auto collision claim form

Have contents been stolen or damaged or gone missing from your home, farm or business?