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Home insurance coverage in Quebec

Home insurance protects the things that are most important to you. Your policy covers the dwelling, as well as attached and detached structures such as a garage, shed, or an inground swimming pool. It also covers most personal belongings normally on your property.

Co-operators provides excellent coverage and service in Quebec through local community representatives. You can also get a quote online for your home insurance right now.

Coverage tailored to you

With home insurance from Co-operators, you'll get the coverage you need and more, including:

  • Emergency service when you need it
  • In-house claims experts to handle your claims quickly and fairly
  • Exceptional coverage at competitive rates from a 100% Canadian-owned insurance company

Some of the coverages our Classic Plus and Prestige policies includes: 

  • Additional protection to prevent recurring damage after a claim with TomorrowStrongTM‡; coverage.
  • $4,000 for bicycles (electric or not), including equipment and accessories for Prestige ($3,000 for Classic Plus)
  • $6,000 total and $4,000 per item for jewellery, watches, precious stones, furs and fur trimmed apparel for Prestige and Classic Plus
  • $5,000 on premises and $3,500 while away for tools, books, instruments, computers and software used for professional activities for Prestige ($3,500 for Classic Plus on premises coverage only)
  • $4,000 for watercraft, engines, equipment and accessories if Prestige ($3,000 for Classic Plus)
  • $3,000 for collector cards for Prestige and Classic Plus
  • $3,000 for manuscripts, stamp collections and coin collections for Prestige and Classic Plus
  • $15,000 for goldware, silverware and pewterware for Prestige ($10,000 for Classic Plus)
  • $800 for money, cash cards, gift certificates and bullion for Prestige ($600 for Classic Plus)
  • $11,000 for lawn mowers, garden tractors and snowplows for Prestige and Classic Plus
  • $2,000 for merchandise or samples to be sold and not related to professional activities for Prestige and Classic Plus
  • $20,000 for Prestige, $15,000 for Classic Plus for wine and liquor
  • $5,000 for video games for Prestige and Classic Plus

Comprehensive water coverage

Comprehensive water provides simple and easy-to-understand protection for your family, home and belongings from sudden and accidental water damage* caused by:

  • Water, septic or sewer backups, which is the sudden discharge, backup or overflow of water or sewage that enters your home through inside drains, a sump pit drainage system or overflow from outside drains or sewers
  • Storm surge, defined as the abnormal rise in lake or ocean water level during a storm, when the height of the water goes above the normal predicted level
  • Waves, and spray from waves, resulting from a storm or hurricane
  • Flooding from the overflow of any natural or man-made body of water, like a creek, stream, river or lake. This includes floods caused by breaking dams, levees or other water containment systems
  • Surface water, a buildup of water caused by heavy rainfall, fast snow melts and extreme weather
  • Rising of the water table, which happens when underground water rises to the surface. Underground water can also cause damage by putting pressure on sidewalks, driveways, foundations, walls and floors, causing leaks or sudden breaks

*Comprehensive water covers your home, personal property and detached structures, with the exception of structures designed or used for agricultural purposes.

Additional coverage

Depending on the age of your roof, you may receive additional coverage** for above ground water damage.

**Some restrictions may apply. Contact your financial representative for details.


Liability coverage

Our policies include liability coverage, meaning that you don't have to worry if someone has an accident in your home, like slipping on your steps. We even cover the costs if you're on vacation and you accidentally break something in your hotel room.

Optional coverage for your home

You can purchase extra coverage for:

  • Seasonal residence and contents
  • Water infiltration and sewer backup damage
  • Artwork
  • Use of residence for professional activities
  • Personal belongings in storage
  • Earthquake damage
  • Golf carts
  • Above-ground pool and outdoor spa

Let your financial representative know about any furs, gems, electronics or other high-value items in your home. You may need additional coverage to ensure they are fully covered.

Enviroguard™ coverage

Canada is going green, and we want to help.

With our Enviroguard coverage, you can choose to replace damaged property with more eco-friendly and sustainable products. For as low as $50 per year, we will pay an additional 10% of the claim amount up to $50,000 to repair or replace your property with more environmentally responsible alternatives. This can include items like bamboo flooring, ENERGY STAR approved appliances and other earth-conscious options.

Enviroguard includes:

  • Environmental building materials
  • Sustainable construction
  • Greener architecture
  • Renewable energy
  • Energy efficiency

Sustainable building design is continually improving, with more green products and services emerging every day. With Enviroguard, you can choose to make the best use of them for a healthier home.

‡TomorrowStrongTM is a trademark of The Co-operators Group Limited.

Home insurance is underwritten by Co-operators General Insurance Company. Not all products are available in all provinces. This material is provided for informational purposes only. Please refer to your policy for applicable coverage details, limitations, and exclusions. Co-operators General Insurance Company is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality, accuracy and security of the personal information that we collect, use, retain and disclose in the course of conducting our business. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information. Co-operators® is a registered trademark of The Co-operators Group Limited.

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