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What's covered under home insurance?

These are just some of the items covered under home, tenant and condominium unit insurance.
Consult your local Co-operators financial representative for more information. Coverage limits and items are different in Quebec. See our Quebec home insurance section for more details.

Coverage Classic Prestige
Perils covered Fire, lightning, explosion, falling objects, impact by aircraft or land vehicle, riot, water, smoke, windstorm, hail, vandalism, theft, transportation of personal property, electricity, accidental glass breakage and collapse due to weight of snow, ice or sleet
All perils covered under Classic, plus more. For example, unintentional damage such as paint spilled on a carpet.
Liability coverage Up to $3 million. Increased limits may be available.
Home only
Replacement value up to insurance limit
TomorrowStrongTM 1 Additional protection to prevent recurring damage after a claim.

  • Up to $3,000 to rebuild with roofing materials that offer better protection against wind, hail and fire
  • Up to $1,500 to rebuild with straps that prevent roof uplift in hurricanes and tornados
  • Up to $1,000 to add other loss prevention measures, like a security system or a water-leak detector
Additional protection to prevent recurring damage after a claim.

  • Up to $3,000 to rebuild with roofing materials that offer better protection against wind, hail and fire
  • Up to $1,500 to rebuild with straps that prevent roof uplift in hurricanes and tornados
  • Up to $1,000 to add other loss prevention measures, like a security system or a water-leak detector
Detached structures
Home only
Additional 15% of dwelling limit
Identity fraud Identity Fraud Recovery Expenses - up to $10,000.
Personal property The standard is to insure to Replacement Cost. The standard is to insure to Replacement Cost.
Personal property moving coverage 30 days or until end of policy term, whichever occurs first
Dishonesty of others
$5,000 limit for Credit/Debit Card, Cheque Forgery and Counterfeit Currency

No deductible applies to this coverage
$6,000 limit for Credit/Debit Card, Cheque Forgery and Counterfeit Currency

No deductible applies to this coverage
Dwelling lock replacement or
$1,000 limit

No deductible
$1,000 limit

No deductible
Vehicle lock replacement or
$1,000 limit

No deductible
$1,000 limit

No deductible
Student property
20% of personal property limit
Coverage up to personal property limit
Family member's property in health care facility $10,000 limit $10,000 limit
Money and cash cards $500 limit $800 limit
Securities $3,000 limit $7,000 limit
Business books, tools while on premises $2,000 limit $5,000 limit
Jewellery, gems, watches & furs $6,000 total with $4,000 per item limit $6,000 total with $4,000 per item limit
Stamp collections and manuscripts $3,000 limit $3,000 limit
Coin and money collections $3,000 limit $3,000 limit
Collections $3,000 limit collectible cards

$2,000 limit other collections
$3,000 limit collectible cards

$6,000 limit other collections
Bicycles $2,000 limit each $4,000 limit each
Watercraft and equipment $2,000 limit $4,000 limit
Outdoor trees, plants, shrubs Depending on Coverage – 5 or 10% of building or personal property limit with a maximum of $500 or $1,000 per tree.  
Debris removal Up to personal property limit for condo and tenant insurance plus additional 10% if needed. Up to dwelling limit for home insurance plus additional 10% if needed.  

Personal Umbrella Liability

With Personal Umbrella Liability, you can add between $1 million to $5 million of liability coverage over and above your current policy limits, and with no deductible. While this is a valuable addition to your home policy, the extended liability coverage also applies to your auto, seasonal, watercraft policies and more.2

Optional insurance

Extra insurance options can be added to your insurance plan as endorsements. An endorsement is an add-on to your insurance policy that covers a specific item or event.


Scheduled personal articles

Regular personal property, such as a television or personal use computer, is covered under your policy up to your personal property limit. Special limits are set on items like jewellery or fine arts. If these items are worth more than the limit specified, you may want to insure them as scheduled personal articles. Scheduled personal articles provides all risk coverage with some exclusions.

Jewellery, gems, watches and furs

Home insurance policies contain special limits that apply to items such as jewellery, gems, watches and furs. We recommend that you insure your higher value items, such as an engagement ring, separately as a scheduled personal article. This ensures you have the coverage you require, allows you to select a deductible for this valuable item and leaves the limit built in your policy available to cover your remaining pieces.


Escape of fuel oil

If you use oil to heat your home, this optional insurance covers you for damages caused by oil leaking from your tank.


Comprehensive water

Comprehensive water coverage insures various types of water damage including water, septic or sewer backups, storm surge, and flooding from the overflow of a natural or man-made body of water.

See our Quebec home insurance section for details in Quebec



This extra coverage extends your policy to cover damage caused by earthquakes. 



You can purchase additional coverage for smaller pleasure boats valued under $100,000 and not more than 8 metres (26 feet) in length. This endorsement includes:

  • Coverage for your boat and attached equipment, motor, trailer and accessories as specifically described
  • Coverage for runabouts, cruisers, sailboats, rowboats, canoes, kayaks, pontoon boats, inflatable boats, jet boats, windsurfers, paddle boats and other personal watercraft
  • Discounts for approved boating courses


Guaranteed replacement on building

Under your home insurance policy, the home is assigned a specific replacement value. With Guaranteed Replacement Cost, the actual cost to repair or replace your home is covered, even if this cost exceeds the insured limit. This coverage is automatically included in our Prestige home insurance plan if the dwelling is not a heritage home.


Replacement cost endorsement

With the replacement cost endorsement, personal property is insured for replacement cost at today's prices, not its depreciated value.

Most of our policy options automatically include this valuable coverage.



Canada is going green, and we want to help. With our Enviroguard coverage, you can choose to replace damaged property with more eco-friendly and sustainable products. For just $40 per year, we will pay an additional 10% of the claim amount up to $50,000 for repair or replacement of your damaged or destroyed property with more environmentally responsible alternatives, such as bamboo floors, ENERGY STAR approved appliances and other earth-conscious options. Enviroguard is just one way we are implementing our company-wide sustainability initiative.

The coverage includes:

  • Environmental building materials
  • Sustainable construction
  • Greener architecture
  • Renewable energy
  • Energy efficiency


1TomorrowStrongTM is a trademark of The Co-operators Group Limited. Home insurance is underwritten by Co-operators General Insurance Company. Not all products are available in all provinces. This material is provided for informational purposes only. Please refer to your policy for applicable coverage details, limitations, and exclusions. Co-operators General Insurance Company is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality, accuracy and security of the personal information that we collect, use, retain and disclose in the course of conducting our business. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information. Co-operators® is a registered trademark of The Co-operators Group Limited. © 2024 Co-operators General Insurance Company

2Some restrictions apply